Causes & Symptoms for Cobaltum Nitricum
To relieve the symptoms of fatigue.
Complaints of Tinnitus is relieved with Cobaltum Nitricum
Vertigo on rising, worse on movement is an indication for this remedy.
For inflammation of urinary tract and irritation of mucosal lining of the gastro-intestinal system.
Frequent belching and nausea with headache
Mind and Head
Depression and anxiety with difficult concentration is an indication for Cobaltum Nitricum
Emotionally affected and indifferent.
Sensation of numbness felt in the head
Eyes, ear
Heaviness with the swelling of the eyelids is relieved with this remedy.
Noises worse in the ear.
Mouth and Throat
Dryness of mouth and throat with hawking due to difficulty in swallowing.
Stomach and abdomen
Sensation of emptiness in the stomach, after eating with irritation.
Diarrhoea with loose stools in the morning.
Flatulence relieved by belching is an indication for Cobaltum Nitricum.
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