Causes & Symptoms for Chininum Muriaticum
It has been used in eye affections, especially when accompanied by severe neuralgic intermitting pains in and around eyes.
Prostration and weakness, severe palpitation after dinner.
The feeling of enlargement-in eyeballs, in tongue, head symptoms.
Itching of skin of chest and back.
Mind and Head
Restlessness increased to anxiety, with irritability and depressed feeling.
Violent raking pains in head, only slightly better by a walk
Eyes, ear, nose
Eyelids heavy, Intense pain in and around eyes
Roaring in ears with itching of skin of back.
Mouth and Throat
Gums sensitive, bleed from least touch indicates Chininum Muriaticum.
Stomach and abdomen
Fullness in epigastrium, colicky pains in abdomen, flatulence.
Stool and Anus
Bowels irregular, every other day opened two or three times.
Urinary complaints
No desire to urinate, but forced himself to do so indicates Chininum Muriaticum.
Neck and Back
Disagreeable chilliness all over body.
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