Willmar Schwabe Brachyglottis Repens
Tincture is made of green leaves and flowers.
Common name:Pukapuka
Causes and symptoms for Brachyglottis Repens
The action of the medicine is marked on the bladder, female system, kidney complaints.
Pains in the back and limbs is relieved with this remedy.
Painful menses with fluttering in abdomen and the ovary is relieved with Brachyglottis Repens.
It causes lassitude, weakness, loss of flesh.
Soreness, rawness, scraping in throat worse by swallowing.
Stool dry, like balls, evacuated with sore constrictive pain in anus
Cold sensation and tightness about scalp, soreness all over head and stiffness in neck.
Flushed face, pain, numbness, pricking, soreness of tongue.
urinary complaints
Urgency in passing urine, pain in neck of bladder, pain in bladder after urinating,
Urine abundant, contains mucus and albumen.
Extremeties and back
Cramp in fingers, thumb, and wrist when writing, hence useful in writers cramps.
Aching in lumbar region. Isolated throbbing right side of back.
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