Willmar Schwabe Boerhavia Diffusa(Dilution)
The plant is useful overall. The roots and leaves are used to prepare the medicine.
Common Name: Spiderlings, Spreading Hogweed
Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Boerhavia Diffusa
Boerhavia helps to relieve the complaints of pain while passing urine and also helps to induce urination.
It is found useful in complaints of Anemia, Vitamin deficiencies, swelling over legs, abdominal swelling.
The symptoms that are worse in the night and during cold conditions are helped with Boerhavia
Boerhavia Diffusa also useful in Liver complaints, renal stones, Jaundice, watery stools.
Boerhavia is useful in one sided headache, pain in the lower part of the neck.
Severe pains which is ameliorated by drinking cold water.
Boerhavia Diffusa a useful remedy in dry cough occurring with cold and catarrh,
Boerhavia Diffusa is said to have effective results in controlling high blood pressure. Complaints of swelling associated with heart complaints can be relieved with help of Boerhavia Diffusa.
The pain and burning sensation in the region of heart is also reduced with help of this medicine.
Complaints of Night blindness, blurred vision is helped with Boerhavia Diffusa
Itching and redness of eyes, swelling of eyelids is also relieved with this remedy.
Stomach and Abdomen:
Boerhavia Diffusa is useful in complaint sif Indigestion, flatulence and watery stool,
Liver complaints associated with pain in hypochondriac region, abdominal swelling.
Urinary system:
Boerhavia Diffusa reduces the pain while passing urine.
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