Willmar Schwabe Apisinum
Common name: Apium virus
Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Apisinum
For complaints of eyes, diarrhoea; dysentery; cholera infantum, it gives good results.
Every complaints is accompanied by characteristic absence of thirst and by drowsiness.
Cannot collect his thoughts, confusion of the head, especially just about the eyes is relieved with Apisinum.
Heaviness, aching, pressing, especially on rising from a sitting or lying posture indicates Apisinum.
Bearing down in the uterine region, as if the menses would appear.
Headache, swelling of the head,during the headache, sensitive to light.
Eyes and Nose
Lids swollen and agglutinated, itching, stinging, burning pains indicates Apisinum.
Stinging and burning; sensitivity to noise indicates Apisinum.
Swelling and stinging of the nose; dryness and swelling.
Mouth and Throat
Mouth, fauces and throat dry, saliva is tenacious and frothy.
Stomach and Abdomen
Rumbling, sense of nausea in the abdomen. Internal sense of rawness; external tenderness to pressure (cannot bear clothes).
Abdomen full, sensitive to pressure; the feet swell ; the urine is scanty.
Vesicles along the edges, especially the left, with burning, rawness and stitches indicates Apisinum.
Eructations, with water-brash and taste of food, worse after drinking water.
Pain in the stomach and diarrhoea, extreme sensitiveness to pressure.
Heat and throbbing in the rectum, and feeling as if the rectum were full and stopped.
The stool comes with every motion of the body, as though the anus stood open.
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