Causes & Symptoms for Ammonium Bromatum
Tickling in throat, with inclination to dry, spasmodic cough, especially at night.
Expectoration of white sticky mucus. Spasmodic dry cough especially at night while lying down
Feeling of tiredness , not better by lying, Feels suffocated; continuous cough, when lying down at night.
Dull pain, with hard swelling in the ovary is an indication for Ammonium Bromidum.
Mind and Head
Fear of suffocation is a key note of this remedy.
Pain in side of head, Pains round eyes into head.
Constriction and sensation of tightness felt in the head
Eyes, ear, nose
Thick discharge from nose , redness of eyelids, burning of the eyeballs.
Eyes are red and sore, with mucus in corners.
Sneezing on going into warm room, stoppage of nose in warm room indicates Ammonium Bromidum.
Mouth and Throat
Catarrh of speakers, with a choking cough that comes suddenly.
Sudden short cough when rising in morning.
Stinging and irritation in fauces with inclination to cough better by sneezing.
Stomach and abdomen
Difficulty in breathing with distress in upper epigastrium.
Restlessness, uneasiness in the stomach with burping and belching is relieved with Ammonium Bromidum.
Irritable feeling under finger nails, better only by biting them.
Movements and positions, lameness; foot is relieved with Ammonium Bromidum.
Constriction; sensation of a band, Pain burning externally and internally.
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