Causes & Symptoms for Ammonium Benzoicum
Gout with fluid in great toe-joint indicates the action of this medicine.
Albuminuria complicated with gout indicates Ammonium Benzoicum.
Gout with deposits in joints is relieved with this remedy.
Urinary incontinence in the aged with albuminous and thick deposits in the urine.
Bloated face, eyelids swollen, head heavy stupid with kidney complaints indicates this remedy.
Frequent hawking and spitting.
Mind and Head
Heaviness of the head is relieved with Ammonium Benzoicum.
Eyes, ear, nose
Swelling of eyelids, with feeling of soreness is an indication for this remedy.
Mouth and Throat
Swelling under the tongue.
Stomach and abdomen
Weakness of digestion with acid eructations is relieved with this remedy.
Urinary complaints
Albumin depositis in the urine.
Neck and Back
Internal soreness on pressure on leaning on the back in the kidney area.
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