Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Agaricus campestris
Agaricus campestris helps in cases of eruptions of the skin that are painful and form pus.
Cold with colic and cramps is an indication for this remedy.
Agaricus campestris is useful in throat affections with hoarse voice
Weakness of the body is relieved with this remedy.
Sunken eyes with livid circles and delirium are indications for this remedy.
Great abdominal pain at intervals is relieved with Agaricus campestris
Formation of abscesses, which discharge of a thin, ill-conditioned pus, and pass rapidly into suppuration indicates Agaricus campestris.
It lowers the high cholesterol, hardening of the arteries, ongoing liver disease, bloodstream disorders, and digestive problems.
Agaricus campestris boost the immune system and for physical and emotional stress.
Colic with nausea and vomiting of liquid matter.
The remedy is indicated in hard, weak, rapid and irregular pulse.
Eruptions form puss, soon turn black indicates Agaricus campestris.
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