Relieves Pain in Arthritis, Sprains, Joint stiffness, Muscle Cramps
Willmar Schwabe Germany Rhus Tox Ptk Drops
For complaints of Sprains, Joint pains, Stiffness, Muscle pain, Blisters, Red Skin
Indications of Willmar Schwabe Germany Rhus Tox Ptk Drops
Painful stiffness on rising from a seat; pain in the back as if bruised, sore and lame all over the back.
Allergic skin reactions, Inflammation of glands that are hot and very painful.
The joint pains which are relieved by regular movements.
Empty risings after a meal after drinking, Violent risings with tingling in stomach is relieved.
The muscular stiffness associated with illnesses.
Action of ingredients in Willmar Schwabe Germany Rhus Tox Ptk Drops
Rhus tox: It is a remedy for lumbago, multiple joint pains.
Spiraea ulmaria: Cramp in muscle of forearm on lifting anything, varicose veins, Heaviness in lower limbs
Cimicifuga: Heaviness in lower extremities, Heavy, aching, pain, stiffness and contraction in neck and back.
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