Improves circulation of blood, valve disease, breathlesness
About Essentia Aurea
For chronic myasthenia of the heart, dysfunctions of the circulation & cardiac dyspnoea.
Indications of Essentia Aurea
Heart related disorders
Co-Rx with medicines/ hypertension
Stress & Fatigue
Composition of Essentia Aurea
100 g contain
Crataegus oxy. Q 40.0
Aur. mur. 4x 10.0
Convallaria maj. 10.0
lgnatia a. 4 x 10.0
Amica m. Q 0.5
Excipients Q.S. to 100.0
Dosage/Direction for use of Essentia Aurea
10 to 20 drops three or four times a day in some water.
Action of composition used in Essentia Aurea
Cratageus oxycantha: Acts on heart muscle as a heart tonic.
Aurum muriaticum: Indicated for cardiac symptoms of varied nature, arteriosclerosis, valvular lesions and hypertension. Also acts on palpitation and tachyarrythmia.
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