Relieves Bed Wetting, dribbling urine, pain while urination
About Enuroplant
To relieve the symptoms of cystitis and related pain and frequent urination.
Composition of Enuroplant
100 g contain
Plantago major Q 20.0
Equisetum arv. Q 20.0
Belladonna 3x 10.0
Pulsatilla 3x 10.0
Excipients Q.S. to 100.0
Alcohol 52.0% v/v
Dosage/Direction for use of Enuroplant
Adults: 10-20 drops three times a day.
Children and infants: 5 to 10 drops three times a day.
Action of composition used in Enuroplant
Plantago major: Acts on nocturnal enuresis and profuse flow of urine.
Equisetum arvense: Principal action on the urinary bladder. A remedy for enuresis, dysuria, frequent urging with pain at the close of urination.
Belladonna: Useful in urinary retention, Scanty urine with tenesmus and incontinence
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