For indigestion, gastritis, gas complaints, burping, belching, liver
Willmar Schwabe Germany Carbo Veg Ptk Drops
The drops used in conditions of Indigestion, Flatulence, Bloating of abdomen, belching, Venous congestion.
Indications of Willmar Schwabe Germany Carbo Veg Ptk Drops
In strong people who can work for long time and are good on health until they are struck by infection. Once they are struck by any infection or virus, they completely become weak, slow, sluggish and lazy.
Hair falls off easily.
Cough of Carbo vegetabilis has all the gagging, vomiting and redness of the face found in whooping cough, Rattling cough with retching and vomiting.
Pimples on forehead and face are relieved well by Carbo vegetabilis.
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