For Multiple Joint Pains with Stiffness in Knee, Back, Shoulders, Neck
Wheezal WL-30 Pain Gone Drops
Pain is a feeling triggered in the nervous system. Pain may be sharp or dull. It may come and go, or it may be constant. You may feel pain in one area of your body, such as your back, abdomen, chest, or pelvis or you may feel pain all over, such as when your muscles ache.
For Muscular pains and Arthralgia.
Berberis Vulg.
Aconitum. Napellus.
Rhododendron Chry.
Rhus Tox.
Kalmia Lat.
Action Of Individual Ingredients
Berberis Vulg: All Berberis pains radiate, Often called for in arthritic affections with urinary disturbances. Wandering, radiating pains. Intense weariness and lameness of legs after walking a short distance. Post-operative pain in lumbar region.
Causticum: Drawing pains in the muscular and fibrous tissues, progressive loss of muscular strength. Unsteadiness of muscles of forearm and hand. Numbness; loss of sensation.
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