Leuco cream is useful in pigmentation on skin, scars and marks, moisturizes and makes skin glowing
About Wheezal Leuco-X Cream
Vitiligo, is a rare skin disease characterized by white spots and patches. The white patch or spot is called as leucoderma and when it occurs without any preceding disease it is called Vitiligo. Under this skin condition, certain parts of the skin gradually lose color leaving behind white patches. This occurs due to loss of melanin, a dark pigment which gives color to skin. The reason oh white patches on skin varies from person to person.
Indications of Leuco-X Cream
Paleness and whitening of skin.
Hyper pigmentation due to burn and scalds injury
Decreased melanin production.
White discoloration of skin
Ingredients of Wheezal Leuco-X Cream
Psoralea Corylifolia 1x: It is one of the main plant used in medication of White discoloration of skin, psoriasis, intestinal worms and skin complaints.
Chaulmoogra 1x: indicated for White Patches, vitiligo, skin diseases and discoloration of skin.
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