Wheezal Dermi X Soap Actions:
Relief from urticaria/hives.
Eczema both dry and wet.
Fissures, cracks. excessive scaling and dryness of skin.
Pemphigus, Erysipelas, Herpes, Nappy Rash
Ingredients: Each 10 Gms contains
Anacardium Orie Q 0.12 ml
Antimonium Crud 3x 0.12gm
Embelia ribes Q 0.12 gm
Graphites 3x 0.12 gm
Berberis Aquifolium Q 0.12 gm
Chrysarobinum 3x 0.12 gms
Senna Q 0.12 gms
Thyroidinum 3x 0.12 gms
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