Strychninum Nitricum(Dilution)
Common Name: Nitrate of Strychnine
Causes & Symptoms for Strychninum Nitricum
Intermittent spasms, the least touch that initiate the attack.
It has action upon circulation, producing irregularity of pulse, and upon the mind.
Violent, muscular contractions which come like lightening and are gone as fast
The choking sensation is accompanied with all the complaints.
For electric shock like pains all over the body. Sudden occurrence of pains.
Mind and Head
Swimming sensation in the head and giddiness, feeling as if head and face were enlarged.
After each meal violent headache in forehead over the eyes.
Soreness of scalp with confusion of mind.
Eyes, ear, nose
Aching, smarting, dull pains in eyes with burning is relieved with Strychninum Nitricum. Needle like pains felt in the eyes.
Sharp, darting pains behind right ear, behind ears and back of head and neck.
Dull pains in jaws generally shooting into temples.
Mouth and Throat
Constriction in the throat, toothache with sudden pulling sensation is relieved with Strychninum Nitricum.
Difficult speech due to dryness.
Severe dull pains in muscles and glands of neck and at back of ears.
Stomach and abdomen
Intense pain, sharp pains, intense twitching, violent jerk in the pit of stomach.
Burning sensation in stomach for about a minute then felt as if the blood ran cold.
Sharp, cutting pain in right lower and left upper half of abdomen is rleieved with Strychninum Nitricum.
Griping and gnawing pains felt in the stomach.
Stool and Anus
Very obstinate constipation, with griping. Two agonizing darts of pain during the night.
Lumpy stools offensive, with gurgling sound in the rectum. Darting pain compelling him to sit on the ground as if shot.
Urinary complaints
Darting and shooting pains from bladder down thighs, from back of bladder down rectum
Scalding pains while passing urine with constant urging indicates Strychninum Nitricum
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