Causes & Symptoms for Spiranthes Autumnalis
For pulsation in arteries over whole body. Flushes of heat.
It is indicated in inflammation of the eyes, chin, chest, which become red and hot.
For milk-flow in nursing women, lumbago, multiple joint pains, specially joint pain in shoulder joint.
Dryness and heat of the skin, burning hands, cold feet,vertigo, pains in shoulder
Colic with bilious diarrhoea and drowsiness with spasmodic yawning.
Dry cough at night, with burning in throat.
Mind and Head
Least emotion causes palpitation, confusion of ideas, with complaining constantly.
Pains in scalp, on vertex with heaviness and heat in the brain, hair falls out.
Eyes, ear, nose
Swollen lids with burning in the eyes is relieved with Spiranthes Autumnalis.
Itching in the ear, externally as well as internally.
Dry coryza with tickling and itching is an indication of this remedy.
Mouth and Throat
Numerous small excresences on palate, which was bloody.
Tickling in throat, provoking cough with constant desire to clear the throat.
Stomach and abdomen
Pain at abdomen after meal. Pain radiate to loins. Laughing heat in lower abdomen.
Pain, weakness, tympanites, after a meal, piercing, lancinating, insupportable pain in colon
Heat in lower abdomen, burning and itching in anus worse during evacuation.
Stool and Anus
Stool preceded and followed by prickling and itching in anus.
Urinary complaints
Cramp-like pain, burning at night, while passing urine.
Female complaints
Dryness and burning pains in vagina leading to difficult coition.
Pressing pain in uterus. Bloody discharge from vagina is an indication for Spiranthes Autumnalis.
Neck and Back
Pain in the scapula aggravated by walking.
Pain in the back preventing walking is an indication for this remedy.
Rigidity of muscles of forearm.
Pain in the sciatica region, with swelling of veins of hands is relieved with Spiranthes Autumnalis.
Pain in all the small joints of the hand is relieved with Spiranthes Autumnalis.
Eruption of red points on nates with itching and heat.
Itching in axillae, in pubes, scrotum, forearms at night, backs of hands, tip of left thumb.
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