Causes & Symptoms for Ocimum canum
Ocimum canum is specific for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and urethra.
Stomach and abdomen
Swelling of the inguinal glands is relieved with Ocimum canum.
Urinary complaints
Renal colic, with violent vomiting, burning during micturition indicates Ocimum canum.
Crampy pain in the kidneys, red sand in the urine is chief characteristic of Ocimum canum.
Pain in upper part of region of right kidney, extending downwards and forwards to the pubis.
High acidity, formation of spike crystals of uric acid, nipples painful to least contact is relieved with Ocimum canum.
Albuminuria complaints are resolved with this remedy.
Male complaints
Heat, swelling and excessive sensibility of the left testicle is an indication of Ocimum canum.
Female complaints
Excessive sensitiveness of the breasts and pain on nursing, are important symptoms of Ocimum canum.
Itching at the breasts is relived with Ocimum canum.
Swelling of the whole vulva is resolved with this remedy.
Swelling of glands, inguinal and mammary. Numbness of the right thigh, twitching of muscles is relieved with ocimum canum.
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