Causes & Symptoms for Jalapa
Jalapa helps in many gastro intestinal conditions like colic, diarrhea and flatulence.
There is pain in right hypochrondrium with pinching and griping sensation.
Jalapa also helps in watery diarrhea when the stools are thin and muddy in nature.
Abdomen is distended and the anus is sore.
There is great weakness, fainting fits, excessive uneasiness and tossing about of limbs.
There is better of pain by eructations of frothy matter and flatulence.
There is Great restlessness with anxiety.
Jalapa is useful in Violent headache.
Pain in head, smarting in skin of forehead is relieved by it.
Jalapa relieves Humming in ears.
It is useful in complaint of Dryness of lips.
Biting and smarting of tongue indicate Jalapa.
Stinging on tongue and in fauces can be checked by Jalapa.
Flatulent and frothy eructations with abatement of pain is well relieved by Jalapa.
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