The remedy is all about expulsion or removal of waste.
Indicated for peristalsis, which is a series of coordinated, rhythmic muscle contractions that also aids expulsion.
Use of SBL Fel Tauri (3X – 6 X)
It helps to increase the Peristalsis and indirectly the motion of the content in the intestines that helps in cleaning the bowels.
Fel Tauri checks Liver Disorder with Biliary colic and Jaundice.
It is a helpful remedy for high blood cholesterol.
Checks a sluggish liver, by removal of fat helping to control the high cholesterol.
Common symptoms of SBL Fel Tauri (3X – 6X)
Belching and gurgling in the stomach causing pain.
Constriction in the throat, with desire to deep inspiration, tightness felt in the chest.
Constipation that results because of obstruction and ineffectual peristalsis.
Important indicated symptoms of Fel Tauri (3X- 6X)
Increases the duodenal secretion, emulsifies fats (in other words break down insoluble fat into soluble with water) and increases the peristaltic action of the intestines.
Liquefies bile and helps to ease the obstruction in the bile ducts by acting as a purgative and chologogue ( medical agent that facilitates the discharges of bile downwards in the system and expulsion of gall stones).
Disordered digestion, diarrhoea, and pain in nape of neck are among its chief symptoms.
Digestion is disturbed causing diarrhoea.
Violent headache in the morning.
Tendancy to sleep immediately after eating.
Obstruction of gall ducts.
Cramps, especially in the joints that limits movement
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