SBL’s Cleanfeel is pH-balanced (3.5-4.5) and pleasantly scented liquid feminine wash which provides mild, gentle cleansing. It helps cleanse away odour-causing bacteria from the vaginal area. Leaves you feeling fresh and clean throughout the day. It keeps away itching, irritation and other infections thus preventing unpleasant odour in the intimate area.
Uses of SBL CleanFeel
Specifications of SBL CleanFeel
Brand- SBL
Product name- Cleanfeel
Ideal for- Only women
Benefits of SBL CleanFeel
Its gentle cleansing soothes the vaginal area and keeps it safe from infections and its symptoms like rashes, burning, odour, white discharge and other symptoms of vaginitis.
Other exotic natural ingredients which soothe, cleans and protects your extra sensitive vaginal skin.
It eliminates odour.
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