Causes & Symptoms for Chininum Arsenicicum
Chininum arsenicosum is a known drug for treating the symptoms of general weariness and prostration and is used as a general tonic, often with very marked beneficial and prompt effect.
Chininum arsenicosum has been found curative with good results in asthmatic attacks which recur periodically, with great prostration.
Sleepiness after nausea and vomiting.
Palpitation with anxiety, aggravates on leaning backward.
Oversensitiveness to noise, and in general.
Mind and Head
Irritability before headache, aggravated by exertion. Discontented with everything.
Neuralgic pain in temples, above eyes. Dullness, wishes to be quiet and let alone.
Eyes, ear, nose
Profuse coryza, periodical, ameliorates on erect position, outdoor.
Flickering before eyes with pain and lachrymation is relieved with Chininum arsenicosum.
Mouth and Throat
Trembling of facial muscles. Yellow, slimy coating on tongue, with bitter taste.
Throat feels sore and raw.
Stomach and abdomen
Black vomiting after eating is relieved with Chininum arsenicosum.
Colic better by pressure.Violent thirst for cold water.
Pain in epigastrium as from foul stomach
Stool and Anus
Diarrhoea, worse night, after eating is an indication for Chininum arsenicosum
Stool hard, voided with difficulty; aided by pressing finger on coccyx
Coldness of hands and feet, knees and legs.
Burning pains deep in joints.-Burning pains as in periosteum
Periodical furuncles, abscesses which aggravates on head symptoms.
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