Calcium sulphate is a vital part of our cleansing systems, that guide us to help the body mend slow-healing wounds. Calcarea sulphurica is used for over a century to immobilize fractured bones. It is one of the first minerals to crystallize when sea water evaporates.
Uses of SBL Calcarea Sulphurica
Eczema and torpid glandular swellings, Psoriasis, Cystic swellings, suppurative processes.
In affections of bone, caries of bone, Calcarea sulph gives good results.
Tendancy to the formation of abscesses (pus) in the body.
Great sluggishness of mind is relieved by Calcarea Sulphurica.
Patient is continuously in a state of apprehension (fear of something will happen), anxiety.
Calcarea Sulphurica is A very good remedy, where one cannot conceive a child (unabale to bear a child)
Calcarea Sulphurica is useful for pain in the joints, may be gouty and rheumatic.
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