Causes & Symptoms for Amoora Rohituka
For spleenomegaly, liver disorders, burning sensation, it gives good results.
Amoora rohituka possesses considerable antitumor and antibacterial properties.
It is a tonic for liver and spleen enlargement.
Conditions like constipation, prolonged fevers associated with enlargement of spleen and liver.
Headache and burning pain in eyes, face, hands, feet, stomach, nausea & vomiting indicates Amoora Rohituka.
Burning in palms and soles, falling of hair, anorexia.
Cough with whitish expectoration, worse in morning.
Mind and Head
Memory weak, cannot fix mind on any subject or matter
Headache with burning pains is better by pressure,worse from sun and better by cold application
Stomach and abdomen
Nausea and vomiting after breakfast.
Distension of abdomen with burning pains is relieved with Amoora Rohituka.
Stool and Anus
Constipation with Dry hard stool is relieved with Amoora Rohituka
Ineffectual urging for passage of stool with burning at the anal region indicates Amoora Rohituka.
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