Causes & Symptoms for Aconitum Ferox
To relieve the symptoms of anxiety.
Burning pains in greater intensity is the indication for Aconitum Ferox
Intense mental activity followed by greater depression.
Anxiety and fear of suffocation is relieved with Aconitum Ferox.
In complaints of vertigo, trembling, oppression, and nausea it gives good results.
Indicated in patients who breathes half-sitting up with head resting on palms of hands.
Cold drinks better, sitting up better, warm food worse, coffee better.
On waking, violent burning in mouth and throat, warmth in stomach, dull sensation in head.
Mind and Head
It is indicated for confused comprehension and understanding.
For constantly feared suffocation from respiratory muscles insufficient working is relieved with this remedy.
Mouth and Throat
Violent burning in mouth , renewed by eating , better by drinking cold water.
Stomach and abdomen
Violent drawing pain in region of stomach and sacral region, soon spreading over whole abdomen, worse by pressure on epigastrium.
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