Causes & Symptoms for SBL Acidum Carbolicum
Carbolicum Acidum is a chief remedy for offensive breath. There are ulcerated patches on inside of lips and cheeks with burning in mouth to stomach.
There is putrid discharge and difficulty in swallowing. The fauces are red and there is fetid breath, regurgitation on swallowing liquids.
Carbolicum Acidum also helps in increased olfactory sensibility. Smell is very acute with putrid discharge.
Carbolicum Acidum is also suitable for stomach complaints.
There is desire for stimulants and tobacco.
Carbolicum Acidum relieves constant belching with nausea and vomiting. Flatulent distention of stomach and abdomen which is more marked in one part of the bowel.
It helps in dyspepsia with bad taste and breath.
Carbolicum Acidum also helps in female problems when the discharges are offensive. There are pustules on vulva containing bloody pus. Erosion of the cervix with fetid and acrid discharge.
It also helps in leucorrhea of children. Irritating leucorrhea with itching and burning is well relieved by Carbolicum Acidum.
Headache: heavy, dull, Itching of scalp is well relieved by Carbolicum Acidum.
Headache better by green tea, while smoking, by tight band, by cold hand, by bending head forward.
Very severe orbital neuralgia over right eye, Pupils dilated indicates Carbolicum Acidum.
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