Causes & Symptoms for SBL Acidum Aceticum
Aceticum acidum also popularly known as acetic acid is well adapted to the lean people with pale face. Face pale, waxy and emaciated with dark circles around eyes.
It has marked action on debility especialy after injuries, after surgical shocks and also after anaesthetics.
Profound anaemia with frequent fainting is relieved by Acidum Aceticum.
Aceticum acidum also works for high body temperature with drenching night sweat and prostration. There is profuse salivation and stomach disorder with high body temperature.
The patient always feels better lying on belly.
Acetic acid is also indicated in gastrointestinal troubles with sour belching and vomitings after every kind of food with profuse salivation.
There is voilent burning pain in the stomach and chest followed by coldness of the skin.
Acidum Aceticum also helps in diarrhea of emaciated children having frequent watery stools worse in morning. Diarrhea with thirst and night sweats.
This remedy also includes dropsy associated with high blood sugar. Dropsy with great thirst and emaciation.
It relieves heaviness and dull pains in forehead and vertex.
Acidum Aceticum is useful in headache from abuse of tobacco, opium, coffee, or alcohol.
Acidum Aceticumis indicated for person Liable to frequent catarrhal attacks.
Nose-bleed, especially from a fall or a blow is relieved by Acidum Aceticum.
Teeth feel dull, breath foul.
Scorbutic ulcers, toothache is well relieved by this remedy.
Tongue pale and flabby.
It can be used in complaint of Intense thirst, nausea, and frequent vomiting.
Disgust for salted things and cold victuals.
Distension of the abdomen, colicky pains can be relieved by Acidum Aceticum.
Abdomen feels as if sunken in when lying on his back.
Stool and Anus
Diarrhoea, with great thirst, drinking large quantities with apparent impunity indicates Acidum Aceticum.
It is indicated in complaint of Diarrhoea, with swelling of legs and feet.
Diarrhoea, with colic pains and tenderness of the abdomen is relieved by it.
It is useful in Hemorrhage from bowels.
Constipation, with great thirst and excess of pale urine can be helped by this remedy.
Urinary Organs
Urine increased in quantity, pale, phosphatic, high blood sugar, with intense, burning, unending and unquenchable thirst and great debility indicates Acidum Aceticum.
Male Sexual Organs
Acidum Aceticum is useful in Weakening emissions, semen passes at stool.
It is helpful in complaint of feeble erection.
Female Sexual Organs
Metrorrhagia, after parturition, with great thirst is checked by Acidum Aceticum.
Respiratory Organs
Hoarse, with laryngeal irritation is relieved by it.
Acidum Aceticum is indicated in Hissing respiration, with rattling in the throat.
Croup-like cough, a hollow sound with each inhalation is relieved by it.
Acidum Aceticum is useful in hemoptysis.
It is helpful in Myelitis, with profuse urine, the pain in the back relieved only by lying on the abdomen.
Acidum Aceticum is useful for Edematous swelling of the feet and legs.
Acidum Aceticum is helpful in Convulsions.
Great emaciation is marked in Acidum Aceticum.
Skin pale and waxen.
It is useful in General anasarca and dropsical affections.
Burning in inner and outer parts is relieved by Acidum Aceticum.
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