Dr. Advice No. 92 (Synovitis) Composition (Ingredients):
Apis Mellifica 3x
Kali lodatum 30x
Bryonia Alba 6x
Ledum Palustre 6x
Mercurius Solubilis 6x
Calcarea Carbonia 30x
Oedematous, Synovitis. Felon in beginning, knee swollen, shiny, sensitive, sore, with stinging pain, Feet swollen & stiff. Feel too large oedematous swellings.
Mode of Action:
Apis Mellifica 3x: Tension, swelling, and stiffness of limbs, joint pale, redness and oedematous.
Kali lodatum 30x: Shootings at every step, above hollow of knee, then also below it.
Bryonia Alba 6x: Red and shining swelling of the knees, with violent shootings, stitching.
Ledum Palustre 6x: Pressing, and acute pulling pains, The pains in the joints hard, hot, tense, swelling.
Mercurius Solubilis 6x: Oedematous, transparent swelling, of things and legs.
Calcarea Carbonia 30x: Pains, as of dislocation, in the joints of the legs, swelling of the knees.
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