Tuberculinum 200x
Sulphur 6x
Psorinum 30x
Fragaria Q
Urtica Urens Q
Natrum Muriaticum 30x
Argentum Nitricum 6x
Itching blotchus, Urticaria, burning heat, with formication. Voilent itching. Consequences of suppressed nettlerash. Burn confined to skin.
Mode of Action
Tuberculinum 200x: Chronic urticaria, itching intense worse at night.
Sulphur 6x: Kick off the bed clothes impossible to keep body covered at night. Sulpher reddens orifices in a way common to no other remedy.
Psorinum 30x: Rash above eye brow & on chest. Red on external throat beginning with stoking.
Fragaria Q: Petechical eruption. Urticaria like eruption.
Urtica Urens Q: She looked as if she had fallen, stripped, into a bed of nettles not an inch free weals. Urticarical swellings for 3 years.
Natrum Muriaticum 30x: Netle rash after violent exercise (itching) tetlers.
Argentum Nitricum 6x: Irregular blotches. Drawing in skin as from a spider web
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