Bacilinum 200x
Sulphur 6x
Sepia 6x
Calcarea Carbonica 200x
Tellurium 6x
Ring-shape lesions, Ring worm offensive odours from affected parts, Barberis itch, Stinging in skin, Itching of hands and feet, back of ears and occipital lobe.
Mode of Action:
Bacilinum 200x: Ring worm-Alopcia areata. Did not want to be disturbed.
Sulphur 6x: Scabius eruptions and tetters of a greenish yellow colour, feels so good to scratch.
Sepia 6x: Dry itching eruptions, like scabies and burning sensation.
Calcarea Carbonica 200x: Visible quivering of the skin from head to foot, Burning- Skin of the body rough, dry.
Tellurium 6x: Rash, Redness of skin, Pricking as with needles, Ring worm on face, Barber’s itch, whole body.
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