REPL Dr. Advice No 61 (Liver Troubles) (30ml)
₹170.00 ₹165.00
Chionanthus Virginica Q Carduus Marianus Q
Chelidonium Majus Q
Magnesia Muriatica Q
Bryonia Alba 6x
Natrum Sulphuratum 6x
A prominent liver remedy, covering many of the direct reflex symptoms of this diseased Conditions of that organ. The action of this drug is centred in the liver, and portal system. Causing soreness, pain, jaundice. Has specific relation to the vascular system.
Mode of Action:
Carduus Marianus Q: Liver region sensitive to pressure, stitches in liver on lying.
Chelidonium Majus Q: Hypochondrium tense and painful on pressure.
Magnesia Muriatica Q: Aching pain in liver, also when walking, or pressing the part, lying on.
Bryonia Alba 6x: Pain in the liver, mostly shooting tensive, or burning on being touch.
Natrum Sulphuratum 6x: Painful sensation of the hepatic region to the touch, during a walk.
Chionanthus Virginica Q: Hypertrophy of the liver- Obstruction of liver in malarious districts.
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