Rhus Venenata 6x
Arsenicum Album 6x
Ranunculus Bulbosus 6x
Mezereum 6x
Variolinum 6x
Mode of Action of ingredients used in Dr. Advice No. 54 (Herpes)
Rhus Venenata 6x: Redness swelling and vesicular rash on skin, Rash – like pimples.
Arsenicum Album 6x: Shootings, Hot itching and violent burning in the skin.
Ranunculus Bulbosus 6x: Vesicular eruptions, like blisters after a burn, burning, itching.
Mezereum 6x: Sensitive to touch. More violent and painful.
Variolinum 6x: Petechial eruptions, Herpes.
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