REPL Dr. Advice No 50 (Stressnil) (30ml)
₹155.00 ₹150.00
Baryta Muriatica 6x
Aurum Metallicum 6x
Crataegus Oxyacantha Q
Plumbum Metallicum 30x
Glonoine 6x
Digitalis 30x
Violent pain in head, worse at night, outward pressure, Tearing through brain to forehead.
Mode of Action:
Baryta Muriatica 6x: Head confused and heavy. Vertigo things turn round.
Aurum Metallicum 6x: Beating and hammering pain on one side of the head.
Crataegus Oxyacantha Q: Palpitation and rapid action of heart. Pulse strong and forcible.
Plumbum Metallicum 30x: On ascending stairs or running – Pulse rapid, jerky, week – Tachycardia.
Glonoine 6x: Palpitation of the heart with heat in the face, accelerated pulse and pulsation. In the heart sensation of fullness.
Digitalis 30x: Pressure in the forehead, from mental exertion, shooting in temples.
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