Arnica Montana Q
Symphyptum Q
Calcarea Phosphorica 6x
Rhus Toxicodendron 6x
Bellis Perennis Q
Injuries to sinews, tendons and the periosteum, Acts on joints. Nivralgia perinenum and bones affections and in non union of fractures. Irritable bone at point of fracture. Pricking pain. Bone disease, Non Union of fractured bones.
Mode of Action:
Arnica Montana Q: It is especially suited to cases when any injury, However remote seems to have caused the present trouble.
Symphyptum Q: Facilitates union of fractured bones and lessens peculiar pain.
Calcarea Phosphorica 6x: Predisposition to glandular and bone disease. Slow development of bone, spinal curvature.
Rhus Toxicodendron 6x: Bones as if being scraped, as if bones ached.
Bellis Perennis Q: Injuries, Multiple Joint pains. A pains in inner side of arms.
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