REPL Dr. Advice No 31 (Calculus) (30ml)
₹170.00 ₹165.00
Calcarea Carbonia 30x
Berberis Vulgaris Q
Cholesterinum 3x
Dioscorea Vilosa Q
Lycopodium 30x
Solidago Virgaurea Q
Hydrangea Arborescens Q
It’s use in renal and vesical troubles, gall stones. Pain in region of kidneys. Gall stone colic. In kidney affections, red sand in urine, backache in renal region.
Mode of Action
Calcarea Carbonia 30x: Tenesmus of the bladder deep coloured urine. Urine red like blood.
Berberis Vulgaris Q: Bubbing sore sensation in kidneys. Pain in the thighs and loins on urinating.
Cholesterinum 3x: Most abundantly in the bile and biliary calculi.
Dioscorea Vilosa Q: Renal colic with pain in extremities.
Lycopodium 30x: Aching in kidney before and after urination.
Solidago Virgaurea Q: Urine difficult and scanty. Albumen blood and slime in urine. Sometimes.
Hydrangea Arborescens Q: Arrested the tendency to formation of calculi.
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