Ferrum Metallicum 6x
Cinchona Officinalis Q
Lecithin 6x
Calcarea Phosphorica 6x
Natrum Muriaticum 6x
Pulsatilla Q
Agnus Castus Q
Medicine has a favorable influence upon the blood hence it’s in anemia and convalescence neurasthenia and insomnia, best adapted to young weakly persons anaemic and chlorotic, who flush easily.
Mode of Action
Ferrum Metallicum 6x: Anemia from whatever cause, chlorosis of defective menstrution, Or simply poverty of blood induced by haemorrhages. Chlorosis after great blood loss.
Cinchona Officinalis Q: Perfectly innocuous as a whole some and universally beneficial medicine in almosts especially where debility was observed.
Lecithin 6x: Lecithin has a favorable influence upon the nutritive condition and especially upon the blood hence its use in anemia, neurasthenia and insomnia.
Calcarea Phosphorica 6x: Numbness and crawling are characteristic sensations and tendency to perspiration and glanolular enlargement chlorosis.
Natrum Muriaticum 6x: Great weakness and relaxation of all physical and mental powers from exertion or after long talking.
Pulsatilla Q: Apparent deficiency of blood Chlorosis (2 Persons of mild, quite & c, dispositions) Repugnance to external heat- Pulse weak & small, bulaccelerated.
Agnus Castus Q: Despairing sadness, low spirited fears of approching death, Keeps repeating that she will soon die.
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