Ferr Met 6
Sanguin Can 6
Spigelia 6
Rhus Tox 6
Latrodactus Q
Graphites 6
Brachialgia (arm pain), pain in the neck, shoulder blade or arm, Numbness, tingling sensations, and weakness.
Mode of action:
Ferr Met 6: Lumbago; better, slow walking. Pain in hip-joint, tibia, soles, and heel.
Sanguin Can 6: Burning in soles and palms, Multiple joint pains.
Spigelia 6: Pains that are associated with cardiac complaints, Stabbing pains, sensitive to touch.
Rhus Tox 6: Hot, painful swelling of joints. Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure. Tingling in feet.
Latrodactus Q: Weakness of legs followed by cramps in the abdominal muscles.
Graphites 6: Stiffness and contraction of toes. Nails brittle and crumbling.
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