REPL Dr. Advice No 114 (Baby Cal-D) (30ml)
₹130.00 ₹125.00
, Helps in healthy growth, Strong Bones. Vitamin D 32
Chamomilla Q
Ferr Met. 6
Kali Phos 6
Calc Phos 6
Nat Phos 6
Mag Phos 6
Ferr Phos 6
Calc Carb 6
Calcium Supplement for Childrens
Mode of Action
Vitamin D 32: Useful in Vitamin deficiancy and absorption of Vitamin D.
Chamomilla Q: Cracking in joints, Convulsive single jerks in limbs, All joints sore as if bruised and tired out. Numbness & stiffness of the arms on grasping an object.
Ferr Met. 6: Rheumatic pains of the shoulders. Swelling after loss of vital fluid. Lumbago, Pain in hip-joint, tibia, soles & heel.
Kali Phos 6: Drawing pain in back & limb,twitching of muscles of arm & finger, No feeling in finger tips, Stinging of soles, Fidgety feet.
Calc Phos 6: Pains in molar teeth, Aching in all the limbs with weariness, Pains in joints and bones esp shin bones
Nat Phos 6: Synovial crepitation- Arm weak,contraction of extensor in back of arm, paralytic aching, pain in ball of foots.
Mag Phos 6: Sensation in limbs like a streak of electricity, followed by soreness of muscles,-Aching feeling in arms & legs; Weak & trembling.
Ferr Phos 6 Rheumatism attacking one joints after another; joints puffy, but little red; high fever.
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