REPL Dr. Advice No 111 (Snor-Em) (30ml)
₹155.00 ₹150.00
Lemna Minor Q
Pulsatilla Q
Opium 30
Indication of Dr. Advice No. 111 (Snor-Em)
Snoring, noisy breathing during sleep, Poor night’s sleep,sleepiness during the day, at work, or while driving and fatigue Breathing through mouth instead of nose.
Mode of Action of ingredients used in Dr. Advice No. 111 (Snor-Em)
Lemna Minor Q: Stuffiness of nose, Polypi which swell in wet weather, Nostrils plugged by swollen turbinates, Foulness of mouth.
Pulsatilla Q: Nose feel sore internally & externally, Ulceration of nostrils, Nasal catarrh, Nasal bones pain, Dryness of mouth in morning.
Opium 30: Lethargy with snoring and mouth open, Copious salivation, Dryness of throat, noisy breathing during sleep.
Mode of Action:
Sepia 6x: There was an increase of gelatinous white discharge like milk only by day, with burning and excoriation between thighs.
Kreosotum 6x: Vaginal discharge of a yellow colour, also stains lines yellow with great weakness of limbs.
Pulsatilla 6x: Weepy can not tell symptoms for tears, White discharge acrid, burning, creamy.
Calcarea Carbonica 6x: White discharge with burning, itching, or else like milk, flowing by fits.
Borax 6x: White discharge like the white of an egg with sensation if warm water were flowing down.
Alumina 6x: White discharge flash coloured or queous and causing stiffness of the lines.
Calcarea Phosphorica 6x:White discharge like white egg, day and night morning after rising.
Hydrastis Canadensis Q: Hot discharge White discharge ropy, thick yellow.
Graphites 6x: White discharge occurs in gushes day or night.
Mercurius Solubilis 6x: White discharge excoriating, greenish and bloody, sensation of rawness in parts.
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