REPL Dr. Advice No 109 (Lichen (Prickly Heat)) (30ml)
₹155.00 ₹150.00
Apis Mellifica 6x
Arsenicum Album 6x
Antimonium Crudum 6x
Rumex Crispux 3x
Juglans Regia 3x
Cannot bear heat of sun, All the conditions are aggravated by heat, Prickly heat, Intense itching of skin especially of lower extremities, hard, Neck & Chest.
Mode of Action:
Apis Mellifica 6x: Hives – Urticarea like bee-stings Eruption like nettle rash over the whole body.
Arsenicum Album 6x: Skin dry as parchment, Eruption, Violent burning.
Antimonium Crudum 6x: Eruptions, which appear chiefly in the evening, which itch in the heat of the bed.
Rumex Crispux 3x: Itching in various parts, Eruption covered uniformly several region of skin, with exception of face, itching more of a pricking than a burning.
Juglans Regia 3x: Itching eruption over the whole body-red on face, neck, shoulder & back (like acne).
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