Mercurius Solubilis 6x
Sepia 6x
Borax 6x
Acidum Nitricum (Nit. Acid) 6x
Plumbum Metallicum 6x
Ignatia Amara 6x
Silica 6x
Belladonna 6x
Vaginitis with vulva and Vagina Hypersensitive. Menorrhoea with sensation of string pulling from abdomen to back. Cutting pain from hip to hip.
Mode of Action:
Mercurius Solubilis 6x: Swelling of labia, with heat hardness, shining redness, great sensitiveness to touch.
Sepia 6x: Prolapse of vagina, Great dryness of vulva and vagina.
Borax 6x: Swelling of labia and inflamed and discharging Duverney’s glands.
Acidum Nitricum (Nit. Acid) 6x: Violent stitches in vagina, Excoriations in vulva between thighs.
Plumbum Metallicum 6x: Wants to stretch limbs during ovarian Pains – after miscarriage.
Ignatia Amara 6x: Uterine spasms, with lancinating.
Silica 6x: Pressing down feeling in vagina, bitching, burning, soreness.
Belladonna 6x: Inflammation of the uterus and labia, stitches in the organs
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