Nipco Avena Syrup
Nervous exhaustion is an emotional disorder that leaves you exhausted and unable to work. Fatigue is extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness. General Debility is the lack of strength of human beings. Giddiness is a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger. Nipco Avena Syrup helps to manage all these sensation and disorders and might improve them too.
Composition of Nipco Avena Syrup
Avena Sativa
Tribulus Ter
Hemidesmus Indicus
Natrum Phosphoricum
Kali Phosphoricum
Acid Phos
Indications of Nipco Avena Syrup
An excellent restorative tonic that helps in nervous exhaustion, fatigue, general debility, frigidity of females, lack of energy, giddiness, extreme weakness, and prostration. Useful in speedy recovery in convalescence after chronic illness.
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