Lowers Raised Blood Sugar Level, reduce burning urine, tingling palms
Also known as
Jambolin, sugar drops
Nipco Jambolin Compound
A homeopathic combination of medicines that act on controlling the blood sugar levels. It helps to maintain sugar level in blood and urine. Also helps in Raised blood sugar levels with excessive thirst or hunger or urination, burning of hands and feet and pain in the calf muscles.
Indications and uses of Nipco Jambolin Compound
Increased thirst, increased appetite and frequent urination.
Excessive excretion of urine.
High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) and early symptoms of hyperglycemia.
Controls and regulates Blood Sugar levels.
Burning of hands and palms.
Action of Ingredients in Nipco Jambolin Compound
Syzigium Jambolanum Q: Diminution and disappearance of sugar in the urine. Prickly heat in upper part of the body; small red pimples itch violently. Great thirsts, weakness, emaciation.
Abroma Augusta Q: Excessive thirst with dryness of mouth. Patient suffers from insomnia and prostration, and patient is averse to do any physical and intellectual labour. Urine profuse at night.
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