For Painful Inflammation, Redness & Sore Throat with Enlarged Tonsils
About Tonsilon Pills
Deals with Enlarged/Septic Tonsils with Painful Swallowing, Cough with Pain in Larynx and Hoarse Voice, Coryza, Sneezing, Hay fever, Loss of Smell, Stringy Discharge from nose Throbbing Headache.
Composition of Tonsilon Pills
Baryta Carbonica 1M: Sore throat, with swelling of the palate and of the amygdalae.
Belladonna 1M: Enlarged tonsils with redness. Burning, dryness and a sense of constriction in the throat.
Hepar Sulphur 1M: When swallowing, sensation as if a plug and of a splinter in throat. Quinsy, Stitches in throat extending to the ear when swallowing. Hawking up of mucus.
Kali Bichromicum 1M: Tonsils inflamed; enlarged so much, can hardly breathe. Greyish patches or spots in the throat and tonsils.
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