For Painful Inflammation, Redness & Sore Throat with Enlarged Tonsils
About Tonsilon Drops
For Enlarged/Septic Tonsils with Painful Swallowing, Cough with Pain in Larynx and Hoarse Voice, Coryza, Sneezing, Hay fever, Loss of Smell, Stringy Discharge from nose Throbbing Headache
Composition of Tonsilon Drops:
Baryta Carbonica 1M: Sore throat, with swelling of the palate and of the amygdalae.
Belladonna 1M: Enlarged tonsils with redness. Burning, dryness and a sense of constriction in the throat.
Hepar Sulphur 1M: When swallowing, sensation as if a plug and of a splinter in throat. Quinsy, Stitches in throat extending to the ear when swallowing. Hawking up of mucus.
Kali Bichromicum 1M: Tonsils inflamed; enlarged so much, can hardly breathe. Greyish patches or spots in the throat and tonsils.
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