For Flatulence, Gastritis, Indigestion, Bloating & Stomach Pain, acidity
About Gasgan Pills
A very effective Homoeopathic combination formulated to relieve Flatulence, Dyspepsia, Belching, Waterbrash, Gastralgia and Discomforts caused due to Indigestion. It improves the digestive process and Liver activity, thus relieving Acidity and Constipation.
Composition of Gasgan Pills
Carbo Vegetabilis 1M: Flatulence and fullness with weak digestion, accompanies all complaints. Simplest food disagrees. Flatulence upper abdomen. Craving for coffee; acids; sweets and salted things, alcohol. Aversion to meat; fats; milk.
Colchicum Autumnale 1M: Distension of abdomen, with gas, inability to stretch out legs
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