Lords Uranium Nitricum increases the total quantity and specific gravity of the urine, and produces acridity, with mucus discharges and incontinence(inability to control).
Common symptoms of Lords Uranium Nitricum
Excessive thirst during the complaints is effecively relieved by this medicine.
Painful Urination, Painful retention of urine is relieved by Lords Uranium Nitricum.
The arterial tension is often high.
Enormous appetite and thirst, yet he loses flesh.
Important indicated symptoms of Lords Uranium Nitricum
Lords Uranium Nitricum helps in Emaciation, Debility and tendancy to swelling over body.
Increased urine, helps in profuse urination at night time, lowers the intensity of urination.
Burning in urethra while passing urine is relieved by Lords Uranium Nitricum.
The liver is attacked and goes towards degeneration and hypertrophic cirrhosis after a first phase of congestion is relieved by Lords Uranium Nitricum.
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