Excessive white discharge in women
Other indications of Lords Leuco-R Syrup
All kinds of white discharge in women complaints
Loss of appetite & physical weakness.
Helpful in problems related with Hormonal Imbalance.
Action of the Composition used in Lords Leuco-R Syrup
Janosia Ashoka: It acts as a nourishing tonic for uterus, thus helps in disorders related to menstrual cycle. It is a good remedy for leucorrhea, amenorrhoea, metrorrhagia, menorrhagia and uterine colic
Hydrastis Canadensis: Leucorrhoea after menses. Leucorrhoea – acrid, corroding, shredy, tenacious. Pruritis vulvae and profuse leucorrhoea and sexual excitement.
Pulsatilla Nigricans: Leucorrhoea milky thick like cream, acrid, with pain in back and exhaustion. Leucorrhoea in infant.
Viburnum Opulus: Heaviness of both sacral and pubic regions, with pains going on from the sacrum around the loins across to the pubic bones and down the thighs. Cramping pain. Frequent and profuse urination with all leucorrhoea.
Aletris Farinose: Anaemic, debilitated, relaxed females who always feel tired and suffer from prolapses, leucorrhoea, rectal distress. Uterus seems heavy, sensation of weight in uterine region.
Sepia: Irregular menses of nearly every form, with pains going to the back. Dryness of vagina after menses.
Calcarea Ova Tosta: White discharge and backache.
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