Difficulty in breathing accompanied by Wheezing, due to bronchial spasm and dyspnea. Breathlessness due to chronic infection, allergy by pollen grains, dust exposed to respiratory tract.
Indication of L 101 Asthma Drops
Coughing at night
Other Indications of L 101 Asthma Drops
Breathlessness, Suffocation.
Action of Ingredients used in L 101 Asthma Drops
Arsenicum alb. 8x: Breathlessness worse at midnight. Burning in the chest. Expectoration is scanty and frothy. Wheezing respiration.
Belldonna 30x: Larynx very painful, feels as if a foreign body in it. Sensation as if larynx was inflamed, swollen, constricted. Pain in larynx and threatened suffocation.
Bryonia alb. 12x: Dropsical effusions into the serous and synovial membrane, resulting in pleurisy. Pleurisy expectoration rusty, blood streaked. Cough – dry, hard, very painful, Colds travel downwards to chest.
Kalium phos. 30x: Yellowish thin discharge, burning coarse rattling in chest. Nervous breathlessness.
Natrum mur. 30x: Shortness of breath on going upstairs.
Natrum sulph 200x: Dyspnea, during damp weather. Must hold chest when coughing.
Veratrum alb. 30x: Wheezing; breathing difficulty, with coryza and mucous secretions. Cough relieved by expectoration.
Eriodictyon gl. (Yerba santa) 12x: Wheezing; breathing difficulty, with coryza and mucous secretions. Cough relieved by expectoration.
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