Lords Dibokure Tablets
Indication of Lords Dibokure Tablets
Controls diabetes and associated complications
Other Indicated symptoms of Lords Dibokure Tablets
Increased thirst, increased appetite and frequent urination.
Excessive excretion of urine.
High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia) and early symptoms of hyperglycemia.
Controls and regulates Blood Sugar levels.
Ingredients of Lords Dibokure Tablets
Gymnema Syl
Cephalandra Ind
Uranium Nitricum
Action of Individual Ingredients used in Lords Dibokure Tablets
Syzygium.Jamb: Diminution and disappearance of sugar in the urine. Prickly heat in upper part of the body; small red pimples itch violently. Great thirsts, weakness, emaciation.
Acid.Phos: Frequent urination at night. Phosphaturia. Cramps in upper arms and wrists. Great debility.
Cephalandra Ind: Bilious complainants, boils and carbuncles. Profuse urination, giddiness. Weakness & exhausation after urination. Excessive dryness of mouth with great thirst.
Crataegus.Oxy: Produces giddiness, lowered pulse, and air hunger and checks blood-pressure.
Gymnema Syl: Blood sugar regulation and glucose metabolism. The active components responsible for lowering glucose are the gymnemic acids.
Uranium Nitricum: Glycosuria, Raised sugar with emaciation (although ravenous appetite), debility and flatulence. Copious urination, diures
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